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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Marshall

Juliet Meeting

Originally scheduled with both Juliet and Jude, me and Juliet discussed the look and visual ideas of the film.

Juliet knew she wanted the us to pour paint on to a canvas due to this being a passion of Sue's (or documentary subject). I suggested we make this a signifier of her presence since we will only be using her narration and that if we do the same for Corin then it should be a record player that represents him. She told me other ideas which I did quick sketches of to think about how it would look in the frame.

Many of my ideas such as using Russian dolls in a row to represent Sue feeling her ancestors timeline over her shoulder and utilising bright colours, especially string with dates on it were discussed but eventually broken down into more mandible ones such as utilising Jude's Projector to show things like time lines and which numbers were and weren't coloured. Having a model infant of the projector was something else we came up with in this brainstorming session.

Juliet was interested in doing slight animation would be good by having shapes appear then having them suddenly be manipulated. I said that was good but would be improved if we made it more like a transformation and animated with a few shapes in-between to give the illusion of movement.

Though not a lot of ideas were discussed we came up with some great jumping off points and both left the meeting ready to begin putting the peaces together for this project.

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With our film completed we showed it to the class and our lecturers to receive feedback. We recorded our audio for some Sue over Skype whilst Corin was done in person causing the audio to not match up

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