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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Marshall

Script writing

With our director and sound engineer completing the interviews with our subjects the group got to transcribing the interview. I was at work so missed the opportunity. With it we met to edit over 2 hours into a solid 8minute script.

I wasn't too confident in my opinion on the information so only made a few suggestions. We all agreed on some of the crucial factors we needed to include such as how Sue struggles with music whilst Corin loves it, how sue experiences memory and her timeline and give a general idea of what Synesthesia is. We wanted to focus on how important history and ancestry was too sue but sadly it was cut down significantly. Corin was a very fast talker compared to sue so we had to keep that in mind whilst we went over our crucial points and attempted to avoid discussions on visuals to go with the words. we wanted the script to be strong first and often debates over how crucial so much as a single word in a sentence would arise.

Once completed we agreed to meet up the following day at Ruth's to discuss visuals.

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With our film completed we showed it to the class and our lecturers to receive feedback. We recorded our audio for some Sue over Skype whilst Corin was done in person causing the audio to not match up

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