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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Marshall

07/03 cast and crew list

Updated: May 6, 2019

Since we were sticking with our the original cast of the taster film as well as many of the original crew I had already started work on a list of crew with contact details.

However to make it easier for me communicating with the actors I created a Facebook group to talk to them. I was later told there was already an official one my director had set up for the taster so I joined that and gained the needed information from the actors. I felt left out that it had taken a while before I was added to this group. It did not help that our previous producer who was now doing sound and who was already a member of the official group from making the taster was very unhappy with me communicating with the actors. He thought it was rude of me to ask questions that had he had already asked weeks ago even if I need to know the answers. He also suggested I communicate through him or Jude as they had worked with the actors already. I resented this as the producer and we had a milled argument which hopefully will not effect our working relationship on the film. I asserted myself and said that as the producer I need to talk to the actors as well.

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