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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Marshall

20/03 Cinema Shoot

The day began wth us getting equipment to an Uber to take it to the location before then waiting outside until 8:55am when we were able to get into the cinema. Both me and the director gave a speech to cast and crew saying we were going to get as much filmed as possible in our short time. Once I got equipment in I talked with the staff of the cinema to turn off lights so only our ones would illuminate the location. I spent most of the day waiting for extras. I stood in the lobby looking through the glass door but no one came. I then came through for the scenes where custard was poured on our lead actor. I gave him black t-shirts to wear for this and also was just out of frame, holding wipes, ready to clean up.

After this I took all the food I brought and various props and supplies home to keep until tomorrow. The shoot has been been well. My schedules have been changed a lot but that is due to me and the cinematographer having some communication issues and there not yet being a finished storyboard.

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